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10 Solo Date Ideas: Taking Care of Yourself in Your 20’s

Hi lovely readers!

I am such an advocate for taking yourself on solo dates, whether you’re single or not! I feel like it’s tricky to really value your alone time during this age. I’ve had roommates since I was 18, and I first started dating when I was 17. Between balancing school, work, friendships, and relationships, we often forget to take care of ourselves.

I truly believe that you cannot give your 100% effort into different aspects of your life until you’ve taken care of yourself first. This will always be a work in progress, and that’s okay! Solo dates are great for reminding you how valuable you are. When I go on solo dates, I feel more confident in my ability to have these unique experiences because it teaches me so much about myself. It gives me time to breathe and reflect on whatever is going on in my life. I can have a mental reset, which in turn allows me to approach the other aspects of my life with a better mindset.

You deserve to be taken care of! It is so nice to have a support system full of people that are there for you when you need them. However, I strongly believe that your biggest support system should be yourself! You don’t have to wait for someone to be with you to enjoy the many things life has to offer. Solo dates are so nice because you have complete choice in what you do, how long you do it, and when you want to do it. I listed some of my go to solo dates, but the list is endless. I hope you find something on today’s post you want to try out, too!

1. Read/Journal at a Coffee Shop

This is my absolute go-to solo date idea. It is so easy to go to a local coffee shop for a couple hours and just read or journal. When I’m at home, I feel like I have a million things on my to-do list. By going to a separate place to read/journal, it helps me to just focus on those activities. Plus, a nice little coffee or tea to go with it always makes the experience enjoyable.

2. Nice Dinner

This solo date ideas is more so if you want to treat yourself out! Sometimes, I’m really just craving a nice dinner or want to try out a specific restaurant. While it is nice to share this with someone, a good meal by yourself can be so therapeutic. You get to enjoy some food at your own pace, and a bonus is that it’s often pretty easy to find a table for one!

3. Take a Day Trip

There are times where I want to go out for a lake day or see a new place, but it’s not always easy to find someone that has a complete day open to come along. Day trips also give a little idea of what a solo trip would feel like. If that is something you’re thinking about trying, this is a great start! I love spending the day being outdoors and exploring a new area. One of my favorite day trips has been going to the lake to paddleboard!

Paddleboarding at the lake

4. Check Out a Local Sporting Event

Sporting events are so fun! I love cheering on my local teams and enjoying the food at the stadium. It’s also pretty easy to get along with the people around you because everyone is celebrating when your team scores! Even if you choose to go to an event like this alone, it’s a fun way to meet more people in that community if that’s what you’re looking for, too.

5. Attend a Workout Class

Speaking of meeting people in a community, workout classes are a great solo date idea! I love going to pilates classes because it is such a good workout. It gives me some time at the end of a busy week to just get mind off of whatever is going on in my life. For an hour and fifteen minutes, I get to focus on something that is good for my mind and body. I started going once a week, and I ended up meeting some really sweet people that enjoy pilates just as much as I do!

6. Thrifting/Bookstore Day

A nice budget-friendly solo date idea is going thrifting or to your local bookstore! I love thrifting, but I tend to be a person that looks through each and every aisle. When I go by myself, I’m able to really take my time looking at everything! I also love going to my local bookstore. Not only do I get to support a local business, but I am able to buy books at a more affordable price. I picked up these books on my last little solo trip to the bookstore.

7. Have an Arts & Crafts Night

I love having a night in doing some arts & crafts with a show on in the background. Recently, I’ve been into making polymer clay charms and scrapbooking! I usually spend a couple hours doing crafts, and the time flies by. If you need an activity that’ll keep you occupied, this is a great one! Plus, you’ll have a super cute homemade product by the end of it.

8. Make Yourself a Bouquet of Flowers

I absolutely love flowers. Don’t take me wrong. I adore all the special bouquets I’ve received from my loved ones, but I personally really enjoy making bouquets. I like looking at and picking out all the different types of flowers and putting them together. You can pick out a cute vase to put them in or wrap them with brown paper, too. Now, you have a pretty and great smelling addition to your home!

9. Visit an Animal Shelter

Going to your local animal shelter is a such a fun solo date to go on! You get to give some love to all the animals at the shelter, and the animals have so much love to give back. I know my local animal shelter has a program where you can spend the day with a dog and give them a fun day out! You can never go wrong with hanging out with some sweet animals.

10. Have a Picnic at the Park

My last solo date idea is to take yourself on a little picnic! When the weather is nice, I love spending time outside any chance I get. I’ll pick up some food and bring my journal and a book. It’s also another great budget-friendly solo date! Another fun thing to try is bringing some craft supplies like paint with you and create something while you’re outdoors!

If you’ve been wanting to go on a solo date or needed new ideas, I hope you found something on this post that helped you out! The idea of going on a solo date can be really scary. You’re out there experiencing something new all on your own! At the same time, it’s so exciting! It might be a little cheesy, but we really only have one life to live. While sharing experiences with others is also so important, you shouldn’t wait around for the right timing or right company to experience what you want to! You deserve to take care of yourself and priortize your well-being. Don’t forget that <3

I hope you enjoyed this post, and I’ll see you on the next one!