I decided to start blogging because I’ve always loved sharing experiences with other people. I crave those deep conversations where you feel nothing but comfortable being so vulnerable and honest about who you are and what you’ve experienced. I’ve learned so much through what other people have gone through, and I’d love to do the same for others!
As someone in their early 20s, I’m quickly realizing that there’s a lot I don’t know (which seems silly considering I have a lifestyle blog). I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, and although I don’t regret going through those tough moments, I sometimes wish there was someone who could’ve given me some words of wisdom on how to get through those times. Hopefully I can be that person for you!
I feel like I’ve had your average 20-something-year-old type of experiences. I went through college where I got to learn about all the different careers the world has to offer, and you’ll soon learn that I am a person that loves to explore them all. I got to meet so many interesting people. I’ve met people who I feel like are going to be in my life forever, and I’ve met people who I thought would be but I’ve come to realize that may not be the case. I’ve been on a handful of odd dates, and I’ve been in romantic relationships that I’m grateful only lasted for the time that they did (and more grateful now that I’m with someone so wonderful)! I have traveled a ton both on my own and with company, which taught me so much about the world we live in. Through all of this, I’ve also learned how to take care of myself even when the world seems like it’s falling apart (which is something I’m still learning how to do).
Now I know I’m not necessarily an expert in any of these things. However, I am so excited to share with all of you what I’ve gathered over the years since being in my 20s, and I hope you find something that resonates with you. I’m so honored you took the time to stop by and learn a little more about me! Hope you stay awhile <3